Viewing the history of items

Compliance Accelerator provides ready access to historical information on a selected item, such as the dates and times at which reviewers assigned marks and comments to it.

To view the history of an item

  1. In the Review pane, select the item whose history you want to view.

  2. Click the History tab at the bottom of the Reading pane.

    Compliance Accelerator displays the following details:

    • The subject, date, and details of the sender and recipients.

    • The item type, such as Microsoft Exchange or Bloomberg, and its direction (Internal, ExternalInbound, or ExternalOutbound).

    • The department in which Compliance Accelerator captured the item.

    • When and how Compliance Accelerator captured the item.

    • The ID of the item within Compliance Accelerator.

    • The original location from which the item was archived.

    • The status history of the item, including the reviewers who marked the item and the date and time at which they did so.

    • If you have the appropriate permissions, additional information on when the item was appraised or escalated.

    • Any policy and policy action with which the Enterprise Vault Automatic Classification Engine has tagged the item.

More Information

Displaying printable versions of items

Downloading the original versions of items