IndexCheck syntax

indexcheck [-av days] [-c <exist|words|docs|stats|ChecksumValidate|ChecksumCreate|MissingDocs|MissingContent|MissingItemsLogFile>] [-csv filename] [-d] [-db server_name] [-diff number] [-f index_folder] [-ignorewarnings] [-rebuild filename] [-s] [-t <0-6> filename] [-v <0-3>] [-?|-h]

Table: IndexCheck parameters describes the available parameters.

Table: IndexCheck parameters

Use this parameter

To do this

-av days

Check whether the avtrace.log file in the index folder of an archive has been updated within the specified number of days. Updates to this file may indicate that there is a problem with the index.

-c <exist|words|docs|stats|ChecksumValidate|ChecksumCreate|MissingDocs|MissingContent|MissingItemsLogFile>

Specify the checks to perform, and in what order. The options are as follows:

  • exist verifies that all the required index files are present.

    You can use this option with the -csv parameter to create a comma-separated value (.csv) file that lists the invalid indexes. Then you can rebuild the indexes by rerunning IndexCheck with the -rebuild parameter.

  • words tries to list all the words in the index.

  • docs lists all the documents in the index.

  • stats compares the statistics from the index of a given volume against those in the database.

  • ChecksumValidate validates the index checksum file against the index volume.

  • ChecksumCreate generates a new index checksum file for the volume.

  • MissingDocs writes a list of documents that are missing from the index to the file IndexMissing.log.

  • MissingContent writes a list of documents with missing content to the file IndexMissing.log.

  • MissingItemsLogFile reports on the contents of IndexMissing.log, if it exists.

If you omit the -c parameter, IndexCheck performs all checks and automatically includes the parameters -ignorewarnings and -av 3.

-csv filename

Specify the name of an output .csv file. Use this parameter with the -c exist or -c stats parameter.


Send logging information to the DTrace utility.

See About DTrace.

-db server_name

Identify the Directory database server.

-diff number

Instruct IndexCheck to report an error only if the difference between the index statistics and the database statistics exceeds or equals the specified number. Use this parameter with the -c stats parameter.

-f index_folder

Specify the folder that contains the indexes. If you do not append any parameter to the utility other than -f index_folder, IndexCheck automatically includes the -c exist parameter.


Suppress the initial warnings about not running the utility on live indexes. This parameter is intended for expert users only.

-rebuild filename

Rebuild the indexes that are listed in the specified .csv file. To create this file, use the parameters -c exist -csv filename.


Stop the utility when it encounters an error.

-t <0-6> filename

Enable tracing at the specified level and to the specified file for any errors that AltaVista finds.

-v <0-3>

Set the output verbosity when reporting to the console. The options are 0 (no output), 1 (errors only), 2 (information), and 3 (verbose).

-? or -h

Display online help on this utility.