
If you receive the message Access Denied when you try to run Vault Store Usage Reporter, check that the IIS authentication method is correctly set for the required files.

To check the IIS authentication method

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Expand the tree in the left pane until the EnterpriseVault virtual directory is visible.

  3. Click the EnterpriseVault virtual directory in the left pane to display its contents in the right pane.

  4. For the files listvaults.asp and usage.asp, perform the following steps in the order listed:

    • Right-click the file in the right pane, and then click Properties.

    • In the properties sheet, click the File Security tab.

    • In the Authentication and access control box, click Edit.

    • In the Authenticated access box of the Authentication Methods dialog box, ensure that only Basic authentication is checked.

    • Click OK to close the Authentication Methods dialog box, and then click OK to close the properties sheet.

  5. Restart IIS.