MAPI properties

Before MAPI properties can be defined in Custom Properties.xml, they must be defined in the MAPI subsystem. Currently, the Enterprise Vault custom properties feature supports only STRING and DOUBLE properties. Enterprise Vault supports single or multi-valued properties.

In MAPI, properties are grouped by NAMESPACE. Typically, properties accessed by a particular application are defined in the same namespace. Each namespace is identified by a GUID. Each property is defined by its STRING ID and namespace GUID.

For each property that you want to include, you will need the following details from the property definition in the MAPI subsystem:

You can use third party MAPI tools, such as OutlookSpy, to view the MAPI properties associated with mailbox items.

Figure: Viewing MAPI properties shows how MAPI properties on a message are displayed in OutlookSpy.

Figure: Viewing MAPI properties

Viewing MAPI properties

The selected property is the named property, "Keywords". This multi-valued property holds the Outlook categories assigned to the message. Details of the selected property are displayed on the right-hand side of the window.

Note that the "Keywords" property is only used here as an example of a named MAPI property. You do not need to add it as a custom property, because it is already indexed in a default Enterprise Vault system.

To make MAPI properties available to Enterprise Vault, you define them in the <CUSTOMPROPERTIES> section of Custom Properties.xml. The properties defined in this section can then be referenced in the content category and presentation sections.

Here is an example showing how properties can be defined:


	<PROPERTY NAME="Author1" TAG="CaseAuthor"/>
	<PROPERTY NAME="Status1" TAG="CaseStatus"/>
  <NAMESPACE TYPE="MAPI" GUID="{EF1A0001-01AA-408f-B7D3-6DA958A09583}">
	<PROPERTY NAME="Author2" TAG="Client"/>

	<PROPERTY NAME="0x0070" TAG="Topic"/>
	<PROPERTY NAME="0x1035" TAG="MsgID"/>

In this example there are three NAMESPACES. The first two define custom MAPI properties, so the GUID of the NAMESPACE is required. As the properties defined in the third NAMESPACE are standard MAPI properties, no GUID is required.

The value of the TYPE attribute identifies the property type; in this example, the properties are MAPI properties.

Within each NAMESPACE the properties are defined in PROPERTY elements using NAME and TAG values, as follows:

More Information

MAPI named properties filters