

   \Enterprise Vault



0 - (Default) Enable all deduplication

1 - Disable all deduplication

2 - Disable only Active Directory deduplication

3 - Disable only message database deduplication

Any other value is treated as 1 (disables all deduplication).

Symantec recommend that you do not disable either Active Directory deduplication or message database deduplication checks unless there are particular errors or issues that need to be fixed. Disabling either deduplication method does not significantly affect processing time and may cause duplicate messages if the Exchange configuration changes in the future.


Deduplication minimizes the number of duplicate messages that the Compliance Accelerator Journaling Connector samples.

DisableDeduplication enables you to disable some, or all, of the deduplication functionality.

Two methods are used, in parallel, to check whether a message is a duplicate. These methods are documented in the Installing and Configuring Compliance Accelerator manual.

In summary, the deduplication methods are as follows:

  • Active Directory deduplication.

    If the author of an Exchange message is an internal Exchange user, the author address is looked up in Active Directory. If the author's mailbox is being journaled to this journal mailbox, the message is not a duplicate; the message has arrived at this mailbox because the author's mail is journaled to this mailbox.

    If the author's mailbox is not being journaled to this mailbox, then the message is a duplicate; the message has arrived at this mailbox because the message recipients are being journaled to this mailbox. The message will be sampled by the Journaling Connector associated with the Journaling Task that is processing the mailbox of the message author.

    For Active Directory Deduplication, a Journaling Connector must be installed on every computer running an Enterprise Vault Journaling Task.

  • Message Database deduplication.

    This method of deduplication works on message recognition. A compressed, non-persisted database held in memory contains the details of messages that have already been processed. This message database is managed by the DeduplicationCache.exe process. Any computer running a Journaling Connector automatically starts this process; it is not listed as a service.

    The process and database are shared by all Journaling Connectors on the same computer.

    Message database deduplication assumes that duplicate messages will be processed by Journal Tasks within an allotted time frame. If a message has been seen before with the same recipients (excluding retried messages), it is identified as a duplicate, otherwise it is identified as a non-duplicate message.