Directory Service

The Enterprise Vault Directory Service must be able to connect to the Directory database, but there is no requirement for the Directory Service to be on the same computer as the database.

If necessary, Enterprise Vault sites can share a Directory Service and its associated Directory database. The Directory Service uses different DNS site aliases to distinguish between the different sites. With the exception of the types of files that can be archived (Exchange messages classes or Domino forms), there is no sharing of configuration information across sites.

The Directory Service, with its associated database, must be available at all times to all the computers in the Enterprise Vault sites that it serves, including any servers running Compliance Accelerator or Discovery Accelerator.

The Directory database is managed using SQL management tools.

See The databases.

Enterprise Vault initially allocates the following amount of permanent disk space for the Directory database:

After the database has been populated, the amount of data in the Directory database will not change very much over time.