Indexing events

Table: Indexing events lists the Indexing events that can appear in the Windows Event Log.

Table: Indexing events



7175 Index Server is busy compacting and cannot handle any update requests

Indicates that work is arriving at an Indexing service faster than it can be processed, so there will be a temporary drop in throughput. The Storage Service is temporarily held up as a result, but there are no other problems.

7176 Unable to create directory ...

An Indexing service failed to create a subfolder of an Index Location folder for storing a new Index. If the folder name appears as "\" and there is a meaningless reason, the real problem is likely to be caused by an earlier error, so look for the earlier event and treat that as the real problem.

The problem is likely to be that the Vault Service account does not have the right "Act As Part Of The Operating System" on every computer that is running Enterprise Vault software. This right must be separately set on every computer.

7177 The Index Server could not access data from the directory: name Internal Reference:

Indicates a failure to communicate with the Directory service. Such errors are normally accompanied by Directory service errors that are likely to point you to the cause of the problem.

7178 The Indexing Service specified is not known

Indicates a problem with the contents of the Directory service database. If so, many other events and failures of Enterprise Vault components are likely to occur.

7181 Could not contact the Indexing Service Check Indexing Service has started on Internal Reference...

The Indexing service on a particular computer is not responding. This is most likely because it has been stopped (intentionally or otherwise) but may be the result of incorrect configuration.

7184 Could not invoke Index Server Internal Reference ...

This is logged if an Indexing service is running but cannot be communicated with successfully. In some cases this may just be a warning from which the Indexing service can recover but, if it persists, or there seem to be IndexServer.exe processes that never disappear despite the system being idle, stop and restart the Indexing service. Before restarting the Indexing service, manually stop any IndexBroker.exe and IndexServer.exe processes that remain.

7185 Could not access Directory Service

Indicates a failure to communicate with the Directory service. There are normally associated Directory service errors. See the Directory service errors to find the cause of the problem.

7189 Could not open Index: ...

This error occurs if an Indexing service cannot open or create the index files in one of the subfolders of an Index Location folder.

7194 The Index Server cannot complete the requested operation as it is stopping

Indicates that requests were still being sent to the Indexing service after it had been instructed to stop. If the requests were searches, the users initiating the searches receive errors. If the requests were updates from the Storage service, they are queued within the Storage service until the Indexing service is restarted.

7208 Invalid Vault ID

Indicates problems with the contents of the Directory service database. If so, many other events and failures of Enterprise Vault components are likely to occur.

7212 The Vault Service Account details could not be retrieved from the Directory Service

Indicates problems with the contents of the Directory service database. If so, many other events and failures of Enterprise Vault components are likely to occur.

7214 Failed to identify the caller of an Indexing request

The Indexing service was unable to determine the caller's identity. This may be caused by someone trying to break into the system. In such a case the Indexing service refuses to perform the caller's request, and logs this event.

7215 The Index Server can only be accessed by the Vault Service Account: name

Someone other than the Vault Service account has tried to add or remove data from an index. Update requests should only come from the Storage service, which runs under the Vault Service account. Interactive users should never be using this account. If an interactive user, or some other program that is not the Storage service, tries to modify the indexes, this event is logged.

This event is also logged if the Storage service is not running as the Vault Service account, in which case there will probably also be many Storage service problems. In extreme cases this event could result from configuration problems, or inconsistencies in the Directory service database.

7216 User name has been refused access to Vault: The user does not have permission to access this archive

Indicates that a user tried to search an archive but did not have the correct permissions. Normally, users cannot do this because the Web Application only lets them choose from the archives to which they do have access. However, as communication with the Web Application uses URLs, a user could construct a URL containing a different user's archive. In such a case, this event is logged and the search request is refused.

7231 A COM error occurred. ... Internal reference: ...

Indicates a low-level system failure. Occasional such errors should be reported but are not cause for concern if there are no other problems. Frequent occurrences should be recorded and reported for analysis.

7235 A low level indexing operation has failed Error code: ...

This means that an underlying Alta Vista indexing operation has failed. This is most likely to be a failure of a search containing non-alphanumeric characters or one of the Alta Vista reserved words.

7237 A critical Microsoft component, oleaut32.dll, has become unregistered. Refer to the Enterprise Vault ReadMeAdmin.txt for further information on this known Microsoft problem. (Microsoft problem reference Q185599)

The Microsoft problem referred to prevents Enterprise Vault components running correctly, so they test for it and log an event. The problem can be fixed by referring to the information in ReadMeAdmin.txt. This can be logged with different event numbers by several Enterprise Vault components.

7239 The Indexing Service cannot service any further requests as it is stopping

Indicates that requests were still being sent to the Indexing service after it had been instructed to stop. If the requests were searches, the users initiating the searches receive error messages. If the requests were updates from the Storage service, they are queued within the Storage service until the Indexing service is restarted.

7240 An unresponsive IndexServer process has been marked bad by the Indexing Service : ...

This message normally follows 7184. This indicates that the Indexing service has discovered an unresponsive IndexServer.exe process, but that there is nothing it can do about it. Stop the Indexing service, and then manually stop any IndexBroker.exe and IndexServer.exe processes that remain. Finally, restart the Indexing service.

7241 The Indexing Service could not terminate an IndexServer: Internal Reference: ...

This message normally follows 7184. This indicates that the Indexing service has discovered an unresponsive IndexServer.exe process, but that there is nothing it can do about it. Stop the Indexing service, and then manually stop any IndexBroker.exe and IndexServer.exe processes that remain. Finally, restart the Indexing service.

7242 The Indexing service had to terminate an unresponsive IndexServer process Internal Reference

An IndexServer.exe process was not responding and had to be terminated. No immediate action is necessary and the Indexing Service will continue to function normally after such an event, recreating the IndexServer.exe process if necessary.