Procedure 6: Renamed servers

Ideally, you should set up each server with the same name as the original server that it is replacing. However, if this is not the case, you must perform the following extra procedure.


If you are running Enterprise Vault in a clustered environment, do not perform this operation unless Symantec Support advises you to do so.

To set up a server with a different name than the old server

  1. Repeat the following steps for each server that you are recovering:

    • Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server that is running the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

    • Enter and run the following SQL command:

      USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
      UPDATE ComputerEntry
      SET ComputerNameAlternate = 'Name of new server'
      WHERE ComputerNameAlternate = 'Name of old server'
  2. Check that the DNS alias you set up for the old server points to the name of the new server. If you are unsure what the DNS alias is, run the following SQL query against the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database.

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    SELECT ComputerName FROM ComputerEntry
  3. If you are recovering the system that provided the vault site alias (usually the first server that was added to the site), then you need to update the vault site alias to point to the new server. To do this, perform the following steps in the order listed:

    • Run SQL Query Analyzer and connect to the server running the Enterprise Vault Directory service.

    • Enter and run the following SQL command:

      USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
      SELECT SiteEntryId
      FROM SiteEntry

      The value returned contain the vault site alias at the end of a long string of numbers. For example, if the command returns the following then the vault site alias is sitealias:

    • In DNS, change the DNS alias entry so that it points at the new server.