

Controls the default sort order of results that are returned from the Outlook integrated search.

For example, to make the integrated search list the newest items first, enter the following:

DefaultRankResults = - date

Supported values

Use the following values to sort the items by the required criteria.

  • adat. Archived date, oldest first.

  • -adat. Archived date, newest first.

  • anum. Attachment number, cover notes last.

  • -anum. Attachment number, cover notes first.

  • auth. Author, alphabetical order.

  • -auth. Author, reverse alphabetical order.

  • date. Sent/received date, oldest first.

  • -date. Sent/received date, newest first.

  • mdat. Modified date, oldest first.

  • -mdat. Modified date, newest first.

  • natc. Number of attachments, least first.

  • -natc. Number of attachments, most first.

  • size. Size, smallest first.

  • -size. Size, largest first.

  • snum. Sequence number, increasing.

  • -snum. Sequence number, decreasing.

  • subj. Subject, alphabetical order.

  • -subj. Subject, reverse alphabetical order.