Creating a CSV file for evidence data collection

Control Compliance Suite collects evidence data of any custom application from a custom evidence provider such as a CSV file. Data must be stored in a specific format in the CSV file for easy interpretation by the infrastructure. The collected evidence data is stored in the evidence database of Control Compliance Suite. By default, the database CSM_EvidenceDB is created for storing the evidence data of the custom application.

To create a CSV file for evidence data collection

  1. Gather the primary and mandatory fields of the asset type that you have created.

    If the asset type is same as the predefined asset type of a predefined platform, then you must know the primary and mandatory fields of the predefined asset type.

    See Predefined asset types.

  2. Create the headers for the created asset type in the CSV file.

    The headers in a CSV file must be of a specific format that is supported by Control Compliance Suite. The headers must contain fields specific to the asset type and to the asset evidence.

    The format of the headers is as follows:

    Evidence.Record.AssetkeyClass, Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield1, Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield2,...Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield8 ,Evidence.Record.Status, Evidence.Record.EvaluationType, Evidence.Record.EvaluationName, Evidence.Record.EvaluationID, Evidence.Record.GeneratedDate, Evidence.Record.AssetSite, Evidence.Record.EvidenceDescription, Evidence.Record.Confidentiality, Evidence.Record.Integrity, Evidence.Record.Availibility

    You must know the header format for the predefined asset types and also the descriptions of the evidence-related fields to create the CSV file.

    See About CSV file fields for evidence data collection.

    For example, you can have a Windows Server asset type, whose health status is to be evaluated.

    The primary and mandatory fields of the asset type are as follows:


    primary field


    primary field


    mandatory field

    The headers and the tentative data for the Windows Server asset type are as follows:

    Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield1, Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield1, Evidence.Record.Assetkeyfield3, Evidence.Record.Status, Evidence.Record.EvaluationType, Evidence.Record.EvaluationName, Evidence.Record.EvaluationID, Evidence.Record.GeneratedDate, Evidence.Record.AssetSite, Evidence.Record.EvidenceDescription, Evidence.Record.Confidentiality, Evidence.Record.Integrity, Evidence.Record.Availibility

    IPaddress, TestMachine, RMSDOM, Pass, healthcheckup, IsMachinehealthfine, 07ADFG-98, 10/12/2008 0.23, Defaultsite, to check the machine health status, 2, 1, 3

  3. Place the CSV file in the network share path of the computer.

    See Associating a data location with the evidence provider.

  4. Populate the table, ThirdPartyEvaluationInstances with data for the field, EvaluationType, manually.

More Information

General sequence of configuring an evidence provider