About policy review

The policy review feature assists reviewers by providing a central location to view and comment about the policies. Reviewers can also view other reviewer comments and refer to comments that are made in the previous versions of a policy.

When a policy is ready for review, the security manager marks the status as In Review. The Control Compliance Suite mails information about the policy to the reviewers. The reviewers view and comment about a policy using the Reviewer Comments tab of the policy details. When the review period expires, the policy state automatically changes. If a reviewer submitted a change request, the state reverts to "Draft." The policy author views all the comments and updates the policy if a reviewer submitted a change request. After the author makes any required change, the author can submit the policy for review again.

If no change request was submitted, the status changes to "Pending Approval."

After a policy is approved or published or when the Review By date has passed, review comments are not editable. The original comments become part of the policy history. The policy history provides a record of the comments that led to a particular version of the policy.