Approving the entitlements

Only the data owner or the alternative approver approves the entitlements of the control points, depending on who is the active approver.

You as a data owner, approve the entitlements of the control points, if you are in the role of the entitlements data owner for those control points. The control points status changes to Approved after the control points are approved.

To approve the entitlements

  1. Log on as an entitlements data owner.

  2. Go to Manage > Entitlements > My Control Points.

  3. In the table pane, select the control point with the status Request for Approval.

  4. In the details pane, under the Entitlements tab, review the entitlements of the selected control point.

  5. In the table pane, right-click the control point for which changes should be requested and select Approve.

  6. In the Approve Control Points dialog box, type the comments and click Approve.

More Information

Requesting changes in entitlements