HP Operations Manager for Windows

Configuring the NNMi Server Name and Port

You need to specify the NNMi server name and port number in HPOM for Windows. This configuration information is needed to launch NNMi web views and forms with the URL tools configured in the HP NNMi Web Tools group. You do this by changing the Server Configuration settings.

  1. In the Toolbar, click Action. From the drop-down list, click Configure, and then click Server.

    The Server Configuration dialog box opens.

  2. In the Namespace field, choose HP NNMi Adapter from the drop-down list.
  3. Double-click NNMi server hostname to edit the hostname of the NNMi server.
  4. Double-click NNMi server port to edit the port number of the NNMi server.
  5. Related Topics: