Secure HTTP Connections

HP recommends that you connect to the HPOM Incident Web Service using HTTPS connections, which require a suitable certificate on the server. The management server installation creates a self-signed certificate for HTTPS communication, which is valid for 20 years. You can replace this with a different certificate if necessary. The port that the service uses for HTTPS communication depends on the configuration of the HPOM management server.

The default HTTPS port numbers are as follows:

For further security, HP recommends that you verify the hostname and certificate for each HTTPS connection. To verify the certificate for an HTTPS connection, the client system must trust the server's certificate. You may need to export the server's certificate and import it to the client system.

You can export the server's certificate from your management server as follows:

After you export the server's certificate from the management server, you must import it using the appropriate tools for your client environment. You can then program your client to verify HTTPS connections using the methods that your client development toolkit provides.