HP Operations Manager for Windows


Sample VB scripts

  1. The following sample VB script re-deploys all policies that are currently installed on the specified node. You must specify the primary node names on the command line. Besdies that you also have to execute the script on the management server machine.
    '//get the name of the managed node from the command line
    Dim argsObj
    Set argsObj=WScript.Arguments
    If argsObj.Count=0 Then
       WScript.echo "Usage: cscript.exe RedployAllPolicies.vbs <nodeNameList>"
       WScript.Quit (1)
    End If
    '//create connection to policy management server 
    Dim PMAD
    Set PMAD = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")
    '//access the managed node in WMI
    Dim objLocator
    Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    Dim objNode
    Set objNode = objLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\HewlettPackard\OpenView\data", "", "")
    objNode.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
    '//iterate over the specified node list
    Dim nodeName
    Dim numOfNodes
    For numOfNodes = 0 To argsObj.Count - 1
       '//get the primary node name as it was specified on the command line
       nodeName = argsObj(numOfNodes)
       '//get the node from WMI
       Dim msgQuery
       msgQuery = "Select * from ov_managednode where primarynodename = """ & nodeName & """"
       Dim objNodeList
       Set objNodeList = objNode.ExecQuery(msgQuery)
       '//get the GUID of the managed node object
       Dim nodeGuid
       Dim wmiNode
       For Each wmiNode In objNodeList
    	'//assign the node GUID to the variable "nodeGuid"
    	nodeGuid = wmiNode.Name  
    	'//other node properties, such as system type or OS type, can be determine the same way
    	'//for example, osType = wmiNode.OSType or sysType = wmiNode.SystemType)
       '//release objects
       Set wmiNode = Nothing
       Set objNodeList = Nothing
       If PMAD.DBConnected And nodeGuid <> "" Then
    	 '//get the pmad node object, or create it if it does not yet exist)
    	 Dim node
    	 Set node = PMAD.CreateNode(nodeGuid)
    	 '//get the list of policies that are currently installed on the node
    	 Dim policyList
    	 policyList = PMAD.CVar(node.GetPolicyList)
    	 WScript.echo "The following policies are redeployed on node '" & nodeName & "':" & vrLf
    	 Dim policy
    	 Dim policyObj
    	 Dim policyString
    	 For Each policy In policyList
    			'//get the policy object
    		 Set policyObj = policy
    		 '//print out policy that is redployed
    		 policyString = "	 " & policyObj.GetName & "  " & policyObj.GetVersionString & vrLf
    		 WScript.echo policyString
    			 '//deploy the policy to the node
    			 call policyObj.DeployOnNodes(nodeGuid, false, true)
    	 WScript.echo "  " & vrLf
    	 Set policy = Nothing
    	 Set policyList = Nothing
    	 Set node = Nothing
    	 If nodeGuid = "" Then
    			 WScript.echo "Error: The node '" & nodeName & "' that you specified on the command line cannot be found in WMI!"
    			 WScript.echo "Error: Unable to connect to the policy management server!"
    	 End If
       End If
    '//release objects
    Set objNode = Nothing
    Set objLocator = Nothing
    Set PMAD = Nothing
  2. The following script deploys a specified instrumentation category to a node. In addition to the instrumentation category, you must also specify the primary node name on the command line. You must execute the script on the management server machine.
    Dim nodeName
    Dim category
    Dim argsObj
    Set argsObj=WScript.Arguments
    If argsObj.Count=2 Then
    	nodeName = argsObj(0)
    	category = argsObj(1)
    	WScript.echo "usage: cscript.exe ovdeplinstrum.vbs <nodeName> <instrum_category>"
    	WScript.Quit (1)
    End If
    '//Look up the node name (GUID) in WMI
    '//Create Locator object to connect to remote CIM object manager
    Dim objLocator
    Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    '//Connect to the namespace, which can be either local or remote
    Dim objNode
    Set objNode = objLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\HewlettPackard\OpenView\data", "", "")
    objNode.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
    '//build the WMI query
    Dim msgquery
    msgquery = "Select * from ov_managednode where primarynodename = """ & nodeName & """"
    '//execute the query
    Dim objNodeList
    Set objNodeList = objNode.ExecQuery(msgquery)
    '//Get the node GUID
    Dim nodeGuid
    Dim wminode
    For Each wminode In objNodeList
       nodeGuid = wminode.Name
    '//Destroy all of the objects used for the WMI query
    Set wminode = Nothing
    Set objNodeList = Nothing
    Set objNode = Nothing
    Set objLocator = Nothing
    '//Now connect to PMAD and get the policy information
    Dim pmad
    set pmad = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")
    If pmad.DBConnected And nodeGuid <> "" Then
    	'//get the pmad node object or create it if it does not yet exist)
    	Dim node
    	Set node = PMAD.CreateNode(nodeGuid)
    	call node.DeployInstrumentation2(category, false)
    	Set node = Nothing
    	wscript.echo "node not found or invalid, or cannot connect to database!"
    End If
    '//destroy the connection to PMAD!
    Set pmad = Nothing
  3. The following script removes all of the policies deployed to nodes in the specified node group. You must specify the node group ID (not the caption) on the command line. You must execute the script on the management server machine.
    Set objArgs = wscript.arguments
    If objArgs.Count = 0 Then
    	'//You must provide the node group name (ID) from the WMI node group object 
    	'//(not its caption); the WMI property is called "Name"
    	wscript.echo "usage: cscript.exe RemovePoliciesFromNodeGroup.vbs <NodeGroupID>"
    	szNodeGroup = objArgs(0)
    End If
    Set objNodeGroup = GetObject("WinMgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!root\hewlettpackard\openview\data:ov_nodegroup.name=""" & szNodeGroup & """")
    '//Now connect to PMAD and get the policy information
    Set objPmad = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")
    If objPmad.DBConnected Then
    	'//get the members of the node group
    	Set objGroupMembers = objNodeGroup.Associators_
    	'//loop through each of the members
    	For Each objItem In ObjGroupMembers
    		'//make sure the member is an ov_managednode (not an ov_nodegroup)
    		If lcase(objItem.path_.class) = "ov_managednode" Then
    			wscript.echo "Found node " & objItem.Caption
    			wscript.echo "OSType " & objItem.OSType
    			'//ignore nodes that cannot have policies (unknown, snmp)
    			If objItem.OsType <> 65535 then
    				' get the node
    				Set objNode = objPmad.GetNode(objItem.name)  
    				'//This throws an error if no policies are installed. 
    				arrPolicyList = objPmad.cvar(objNode.GetPolicyList)
    				//loop through the policy list
    				For Each  objPolicy In arrPolicyList
    					'//get the policy name
    					wscript.echo objPolicy.GetName
    					'//remove the policy from the node
    					objPolicy.RemoveFromNodes objItem.name
    				Next ' //next policy
    			End If '//if not snmp/other
    		End If '//if not an ov_managednode
    	Next '//member of the group
    	wscript.echo "cannot connect to database!"
    End If
    '//destroy the connection to PMAD!
    Set objPmad = Nothing
  4. The following script gets an ov_managednode, based on the name, and then looks up the policies assigned to the node. It checks the PMAD database to locate the latest version of each policy, and deploys any new version. You must execute the script on the management server machine.
    Set objArgs = Wscript.arguments
    If objArgs.Count = 1 Then
    	szServerName = objArgs(0)
    	wscript.echo "usage: cscript.exe updatepolicies.vbs <nodeName>"
    	wscript.echo "where node name is the host name of the node you want to update"
    End If
    Dim szNodeGuid
    Dim objLocator
    Dim objNode
    Dim msgquery
    Dim objNodeList
    Dim wminode
    '//Look up the host GUID (Name)
    '//Create the Locator object to connect to the remote CIM object manager
    Set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    '//Connect to the namespace, which is either local or remote
    Set objNode = objLocator.ConnectServer("", "root\hewlettpackard\openview\data", "", "")
    objNode.Security_.impersonationlevel = 3
    '//build the wmi query
    msgquery = "Select * from ov_managednode where primarynodename = """ & szServerName & """"
    '//execute the query
    Set objNodeList = objNode.ExecQuery(msgquery)
    '//Get the node GUID
    For Each wminode In objNodeList
       szNodeGuid = wminode.Name
    '//Destroy all of the objects used for the WMI query
    Set wminode = Nothing
    Set objNodeList = Nothing
    Set objNode = Nothing
    Set objLocator = Nothing
    '//Now connect to PMAD, and get the policy information
    Set pmad = CreateObject("PMAD.OvPmdPolicyManager")
    Dim node
    Dim updatedpolicycount
    Dim policycount
    Dim policylist
    Dim policyitemenum
    Dim szNodeGuidArray
    If pmad.DBConnected And szNodeGuid <> "" Then
    	'//open up the node reference, based on the GUID retrieved from WMI
    	Set node = pmad.GetNode(szNodeGuid)
    	'//This throws an error if no policies are installed. 
    	policylist = pmad.cvar(node.GetPolicyList)
    	'//loop through the policy list
    	For Each policyitemenum In policylist
    		'//dim our local policy objects
    		Dim latestpolicy 
    		Dim policyitem 
    		Dim policytype 
    		'//increment the policy count
    		policycount = policycount + 1
    		ReDim Preserve szInstalledPolicyList(policycount)
    		'//have to do this rather than using policyitem in enumeration.
    		Set policyitem = policyitemenum
    		'//get the policytype object
    		Set policytype = policyitem.GetPolicyType
    		'//Build a text name list.
    		szInstalledPolicyList(policycount) = "CURRENTLY INSTALLED: " & policyitem.GetName & "  " & policyitem.GetVersionString & "  " & policytype.GetName(1)
    		wscript.echo szInstalledPolicyList(policycount)
    		'//get the latest version of the policy we found
    		Set latestpolicy = policyitem.GetLatestVersion
    		If policyitem.GetVersionString <> latestpolicy.GetVersionString Then
    			Dim latestpolicytype
    			'//increment the count
    			updatedpolicycount = updatedpolicycount + 1
    			'//redimension the array with one more item
    			ReDim Preserve szUpdatedPolicyList(updatedpolicycount)
    			'//get the policytype object
    			Set latestpolicytype = latestpolicy.GetPolicyType
    			'//Build a text name list.
    			szUpdatedPolicyList(updatedpolicycount) = "UPDATED TO:" & latestpolicy.GetName & "  " & latestpolicy.GetVersionString & "  " & latestpolicytype.GetName(1)
    			wscript.echo szUpdatedPolicyList(updatedpolicycount)
    			szNodeGuidArray = Array(szNodeGuid) 'NodeGuid
    			'//Deploy on the node.
    			latestpolicy.DeployOnNodes szNodeGuidArray, True, True
    			'//destroy the policytype object
    			Set latestpolicytype = Nothing
    		End If
    		'//destroy the policy objects, and move on.
    		Set policytype = Nothing
    		Set latestpolicy = Nothing
    		Set policyitem = Nothing
    		'//loop to the next item in the policy list
    	wscript.echo "node not found or invalid, or cannot connect to database!"
    End If
    '//destroy the connection to PMAD!
    Set node = Nothing
    Set pmad = Nothing