HP Operations Manager for Windows


Users and external applications connected to HPOM for Windows can create an OV_ExternalMessage, which is transformed into an internal message, and processed by the HPOM for Windows message action server.
class OV_ExternalMessage
string Id;
string PrimaryNodeName;
datetime TimeCreated = "20060101000000.000000-000";
string Text;
string OriginalText;
string MessageGroup;
string Object;
string Application;
string Type;
string ServiceId;
boolean DoNotification = FALSE;
boolean LogOnly = FALSE;
boolean CreateTroubleTicketInterface = FALSE;
boolean AcknowledgeAfterTroubleTicket = FALSE;
sint32 Severity = 1;
string Source;
string MessageKey;
string MessageKeyRelation;
OV_Message_CA CMA[];