HP Operations Manager


The ovowmsgutil utility allows you to run bulk operations on messages offline without using the HPOM console.

The following operations are possible:

Because the utility changes the database directly, it stops some HPOM services (OvEpStatusEngine and OvEpMessageActionServer) before the update. After the database is updated, the tool automatically restarts affected HPOM services. This ensures that all HPOM components are provided with the actual data from the database.

The CSV format (MS Excel) is used for storing messages and annotations in files.

Note NOTE:
The ovowmsgutil tool is located in the Support directory of the HPOM installation. To run the tool, go to its parent directory or specify its absolute path in the command line.

Operational requirements

Node name specifications

One of the possible message attributes for qualifying messages to be affected is the node name. You can specify node names in several different ways:

Sample use cases

Command synopsis

ovowmsgutil <TypeOfChange> -exp <QualifyString> [-nodedelim <DelimChar>]
ovowmsgutil <TypeOfChange>> -{fa|fu} <SqlFile> [-nodedelim <DelimChar>]
ovowmsgutil -dnl <BaseFilename> [-remove] [-cp (UNICODE|MBYTE)]
			[-sep <FieldSeparator>>]
			-exp <QualifyString> [-nodedelim <DelimChar>]
ovowmsgutil -dnl <BaseFilename> [-remove] [-cp <CodePage>]
			[-sep <FieldSeparator>]
			-{fa|fu} <SqlFile> [-nodedelim <DelimChar>]
ovowmsgutil -upl <BaseFilename> [-replace]
ovowmsgutil -help


 <TypeOfChange>  Type of change you want to make. Possible values are:
				 -ack		Acknowledge qualified messages
				 -unack	Unacknowledge qualified messages
				 -own		Own qualified messages
				 -disown	 Disown qualified messages
				 -del		Delete qualified messages
				 -sev <Num>  Change severity of messages to level <Num>.
							 Possible values for <Num>:  1  Unknown
														 2  Normal
														 4  Warning
														 8  Minor
														16  Major
														32  Critical

   -dnl			Download a subset of messages from HPOM DB.

   -upl			Upload messages into HPOM DB. Messages must be stored in a
				 file, previously generated with the -dnl option. All messages
				 from the file will be uploaded.

   <BaseFilename>  Partial file name to be used for download or upload of
				 messages and annotations. _MSG.csv and _ANN.csv will be
				 appended to the given name to get actual file names.

   -remove		 Causes removal of downloaded message and their annotations
				 from HPOM DB.

   -cp			 Specifies the codepage of the generated files for messages
				 and annotations. Two values are allowed: UNICODE (for Unicode
				 encoding) and MBYTE (for MultiByte encoding). It defaults to

   -sep			Sets the field separator for the resulting CSV files
				 (defaults to comma ',').

   <FieldSeparator> The field separator character to be used in the CSV files.

   -replace		Causes replacement of existing messages and annotations with
				 data from the files during upload.

   -exp			Expression option to qualify messages you want to change or
								 <QualifyString> String which qualifies the messages to be changed or
				 downloaded. Syntax is similar to an SQL expression as used in
				 the WHERE clause of an SQL SELECT statement. The expression
				 can contain the following items for qualifying the messages:
				 State						 Current message state.
												 Possible values:
													1   Undefined
													2   Unowned
													3   Owned
													4   Acknowledged
													5   Node of message has been
													6   Message is marked for
				 TimeOfStateChangeTimeStamp	Time of last state change
				 UserOfStateChange			 Name of user who made the last
												 state change
				 NodeName					Node name where the message
												 originates from. Possible node
												 name specifications are:
													Primary node name,
													Communication path.
												 Above specifications have to be
												 included between delimiters.
												 See -nodedelim command option
												 below. Alternately, node GUID's
												 enclosed between {} can be used
												 as well
				 TimeCreatedTimeStamp		Time when message has been
				 TimeReceivedTimeStamp		 Time when message has been
												 received on server
				 MessageGroup				Message group
				 Object						Object message is associated with
				 Application				 Application message is associated
				 Type						Message type
				 ServiceId					 Service message is associated with

				 Severity					Message severity. For possible
												 values see above
				 LogOnly					 Message is log only
				 Unmatched					 Message is unmatched

				 NOTE: instead of using an expression you can specify * as ALL
						 operator. In this case all messages will qualify for
						 the selected change.

   -nodedelim	Specifies a character which is used as delimiter for node names.
				 Node names have to be included between 2 delimiters. Default
				 delimiter is the '@' character.
				 If node GUID's are specified instead of node names then the
				 GUID's have to be included between '{' and '}' characters.
				 For GUID's the delimiter parameter is ignored.

   <DelimChar>  Delimiter character for node names.

   -{fa|fu}		Use the parameter FA or FU if the expression which qualifies
				 the messages to be changed is stored in a file. This makes
				 sense for long and complex expressions. FA specifies that
				 the file uses WINANSI character encoding, FU specifies that
				 the file uses UNICODE character encoding.

   <SqlFile>  Name of the file which contains the qualifying expression.

   -help		 Displays this help text.


ovowmsgutil -ack -exp "(NodeName='#hpspi011#' OR NodeName='#jupiter#') AND Severity = 2" -nodedelim #

			Acknowledge messages originating from the nodes hpspi011 or jupiter
			with severity normal. Use the # character as delimiter for node names.

ovowmsgutil -sev 32 -exp "NodeName='@sap002@' AND Application='R3' AND Type = 'Error'"

			Change the severity of messages to critical which originate from node sap002 and from
			application R3 and are of type Error.

ovowmsgutil -del -exp "State = 4 AND TimeOfStateChangeTimeStamp < '2000-01-31 13:45:00'"

			Delete all messages which have been acknowledged before january 31st 2000 1:45:00PM.
			Note: time stamps have the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" or "YYYY-MM-DD".

ovowmsgutil -disown -fa "c:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OvEnterprise\ExpFiles\Disown1"

			Disown messages. The expression which qualifies the messages to be disowned is
			stored in file "c:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\OvEnterprise\ExpFiles\Disown1"
			The file is WINANSI encoded.

ovowmsgutil -unack -exp *

			Unacknowledge all messages regardless of their state.

ovowmsgutil -dnl c:\temp\test -exp "State <> 4 AND Severity = 32" -cp UNICODE -sep ;

			Download all messages (and their annotations) with critical severity and state different
			than "Acknowledged". The resulting files (c:\temp\test_MSG.csv and c:\temp\test_ANN.csv)
			will be saved in Unicode encoding and the CSV field separator will be semicolon ";".

ovowmsgutil -upl c:\temp\test -replace

			Upload messages and annotations from c:\temp\test_MSG.csv and c:\temp\test_ANN.csv replacing
			any existing records in the DB with records from the files.