HP Operations Manager for Windows




- Enables configuration and control of the discovery agent and agent repository.


ovagtrep  [-clearAll] |
[-run <policy name>] |


The discovery agent is an extension to the HTTPS agent, which runs service discovery policies that have been deployed from a management server. It stores the services that it discovers in the agent repository, which is a local data store of services that exist on the node.

The agent synchronizes the services in the agent repository with the management server. The management server receives details of new, changed, and removed services only. Details of unchanged services are not resent.

The ovagtrep command enables you to configure and control the discovery agent and agent repository. It has the following options:

Clears all services from the agent repository. The next time that the discovery agent runs service discovery policies, it will recreate the services. The agent then synchronizes the services with the management server. This is enables you to force the agent to synchronize unchanged services with the management server.

-run <policy name>
Runs a service discovery policy. Use this to run a policy at an unscheduled time, to discover any changes immediately. The agent sends details of changes to the management server. You can find the names of installed policies using ovpolicy.

Resends details of all the services that are currently in the agent repository to the management server. Use this for troubleshooting if services fail to appear on the management server.

The discovery agent and agent repository are part of a component that is registered with the control service. You can start and stop the component with the commands ovc -start agtrep and ovc -stop agtrep.

You can use the command ovconfchg to modify the following settings in the agtrep name space:

Sets the maximum number of minutes that a service discovery policy can run. If the policy runs any longer, the discovery agent stops running the policy and logs an error in the system log (<data_dir>/log/System.txt).

Sets the number of times that service discovery policies must fail to discover existing services before the agent deletes the services from the agent repository.

If a service discovery policy can no longer discover a service that exists in the agent repository, the discovery agent deletes the service from the agent repository only after the service discovery policy has run the number of times that you specify with this setting.

For example, to set the action timeout to five minutes with the command ovconfchg -ns agtrep -set ACTION_TIMEOUT 5.

After you change the action timeout or instance deletion threshold, restart the component with the command ovc -restart agtrep.


ovagtrep was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company, LP.



