HP Operations Manager


The opcdeploy tool allows usage of the following actions from the command line:

Command synopsis

   [ -help | -?]
   [ -deploy [ -srv <OVO_server_name> ] -node <nodename> -file <source_file>
			 -targetdir <target_dir> ]
   [ -retrieve [ -srv <OVO_server_name> ] -node <nodename> -file <target_file>
			 -sourcedir <source_dir> ]
   [ -cmd <command> [ -srv <OVO_server_name> ] -node <nodename>
					[ -par "<parameters>" ] ]

Tool options

-help | -?
Show tool usage and description.

Common options

-srv <OVO_server_name>
Name of the HPOM for Windows server. If the server is not specified, a local machine is used.
-node <nodename>
Name of the managed node. This string must match the string that was used when the node was put under management.

Specific options

Uses opcdeploy in deploy mode. Copies a file to a remote system.
-file <source_file>
Specifies the source file to be copied.
-targetdir <target_dir>
Specifies the target directory to which the file is copied. Specify the target as an absolute path.
Uses opcdeploy in retrieve mode. Copies a file from a remote system.
-file <target_file>
Specifies the target file to be copied.
-sourcedir <source_dir>
Specifies the source directory from which the file is copied.
Uses opcdeploy in execute mode.
Specifies the command that should be executed by the shell of the node.
-par "<parameters>"
Parameters for the command execution. Enclose all parameters in quotation marks (""). If a parameter contains a quotation mark, escape it with a backslash ("\"").


opcdeploy -cmd copy -srv <OVO_server_name> -node <nodename>
          -par "\"C:\Program Files\test.txt\" C:"
Copies the test.txt file from <Program_Files> directory to the C: directory.