
The command opcagt administers the agent processes running on an HP Operations Manager managed node. This command can be integrated in the startup procedure of the computer. If used without any option, opcagt returns the current status of the agent services running on the local system.

Command synopsis


opcagt [ -help | -h | -stop | -kill | -start | -restart | -cleanstart | -status | -type [-verbose]]


./opcagt [-help | -stop | -kill | -start | -restart | -cleanstart | -status | -type [-verbose]]


-help | -h
Displays the opcagt options.
Stops the Event/Action Agent and Coda.
Stops the HPOM Core functionality.
Starts the Event/Action Agent and Coda.
Restarts the HPOM Core functionality.
Clears the agent's buffers and then starts the agent. This option discards any messages that the agent added to the message buffer but did not send. This option also removes any scheduled tasks that agent added to the action queue but did not start.
Displays the status of Event/Action Agent and Coda.
Displays the type of Event/Action Agent.
Displays detailed information about the Event/Action Agent.
Displays version information.

Exit values

This command exits with a value of zero after successful operation. If a failure occurs, the exit value is set to one and an appropriate message displays.

In addition, the HP Operations agents record any warnings or errors in the local HPOM log file:


This command can be run only by a user with administrative rights.

Windows examples

To start all agent services on the local system

opcagt -start

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