HP Operations Manager for Windows

Table OV_PM_TypeNeedsPackage

The OV_PM_TypeNeedsPackage table implements the dependency of a policy type to its agent package version. This dependency is always defined using the minimum required version of the agent that must be installed on the node to interpret the policy syntax. The specified minimum required package version are not required in the database if higher package versions are available. There are at most two records in this table for every policy type: one for the DCE and one for the HTTP-based agent. Records in this table are cascaded, and removed automatically when a corresponding policy type is removed.

Column Name Constraint Column Type Description
PolicyTypeVersionId PK, FK3, I1 uniqueidentifier ID of the policy type version.
AgentCommTypeId PK, FK1, I1 int ID of the supported Agent Communication Type (either DCE or HTTPS).
PackageId FK2 uniqueidentifier ID of the agent package.
MinMajorVersion   smallint Major version number of the minimum agent package that must be installed on the node.
MinMinorVersion   smallint Minor version number of the minimum agent package that must be installed on the node.
MinFixVersion   smallint Fix version number of the minimum agent package that must be installed on the node.