HP Operations Manager for Windows

Table OV_PM_PolicyTypeVersion

Every record in the OV_PM_PolicyTypeVersion table represents one policy type version. The main policy type identifier consists of two values: PolicyTypeId and Version. The PolicyTypeVersionId is an internal unique identifier for every policy type version. The policy type version is linked to the logical policy type it belongs to using the PolicyTypeId. A description string can be set for every version of the policy type. The policy type version number is a single-digit number that maps to the minimum syntax version of the policy that the associated agent package must support on the managed node.

Column Name Constraint Column Type Description
PolicyTypeVersionId PK, I1 uniqueidentifier ID of the policy type version.
PolicyTypeId FK1, I2 uniqueidentifier ID of the logical policy type.
Version I2 smallint Minimize policy syntax version number that the agent package that is linked to this policy type version must support.
Description   nvarchar(256) Description string for this policy type version.