HP Operations Manager for Windows

Table OV_PM_PolicyStream

The OV_PM_PolicyStream table contains the data stream for the policy version, if it exists. It is possible that a policy version does not have an entry in this table. In HPOM for Windows 8.00, it is possible to have only one policy data part per policy version, but it might be necessary to support multiple policy data parts in future product releases.

If the policy data contains action strings, they will be signed when the policy is created. PMAD will save the new modified data stream in an extra column.

A checksum is calculated over the policy data and a set of policy properties (for example, the policy version ID and license index). The checksum is used to verify data consistency and to enforce licensing.

Records in this table are cascaded and removed automatically when a corresponding policy version is removed from the table OV_PM_PolicyVersion. The signature is calculated over the modified policy data stream if it exists. If not, it is calculated over the unmodified policy data stream (column Data). If a modified data stream exists, it is deployed to the HTTPS-based agent while the unmodified policy data is deployed to the DCE-based agent.

Column Name Constraint Column Type Description
PolicyVersionId PK, FK1, I1 uniqueidentifier ID of the policy version to which the policy data belongs.
Data   image Policy data stream stored as BLOB.
DataCheckSum   char(256) Checksum for the policy data stream.
ModifiedData   image Modified (signed) policy data stream stored as BLOB.
ModifiedDataCheckSum   char(256) Checksum for the modified (signed) policy data stream.
Signature   nvarchar(1024) Signature over the modified policy data stream (column ModifiedData), if it exists. If not, the signature is calculated over the column Data.