Import OVO for UNIX templates

The tool ImportPolicies imports OVO for UNIX templates into HPOM for Windows.


ImportPolicies /f <policy file>
			[/g <policy group>]
			[/r | /d]
			[/c ASCII|/c UTF8|/c ISO81|/c ISO82|/c ISO85|/c ISO815|/c ROMAN8|
			 /c SJIS|/c EUCJP|/c GB2312|/c BIG5|/c EUCTW|/c EUCKR]

All imported policies are stored in subdirectories of the policy directory Policy Management\Policy Groups\Imports From File .

Policy File (/f)
The policy file contains one or more templates that will be imported as policies into HPOM for Windows. This file is created by the config download command (opccfgdwn) on an OVO for UNIX server. For every template contained in the file a new policy will be added.

Note NOTE:
Refer to the OVO for UNIX Administrator's Reference for information about downloading template files.

The table below shows the OVO for UNIX message source types and shows the policy type to which they are converted:

Message Source Type Policy Type
Logfiles Logfile Entry or Windows Event Log
SNMP Trap SNMP Interceptor
Message Interface Open Message Interface
Threshold Monitor Measurement Threshold
Scheduled Action Scheduled Task

Other OVO for UNIX message source types cannot be imported.

Policy Group (/g)
If this optional parameter is given, the policies of the file are stored in the policy group "...\Imports From File\<policy group>". If the given group doesn't exist it will be created.
If the /g option is omitted a new policy group named with the current date and time will be created and used.
Replace (/r) Flag
Use this option if you want to replace any existing policies within <policy group> that have the same name as any template that you are importing.

Caution CAUTION:
The old policy is replaced and cannot be recovered.

If neither the /r nor /d flag is used, policies that have the same name as an existing policy contained in <policy group> will not be imported.
Duplicate (/d) Flag
Use this option if you want to import policies that have the same name as existing polices in the same <policy group> without overwriting them. The policies will have different GUIDs.
If neither the /r nor /d flags is used, policies to be imported that have the same name as a policy contained in <policy group> will not be imported.
Codeset (/c)
This parameter must be set if the policy file contains non-ASCII characters (for example, a download file from an English OVO for UNIX server is encoded in iso8859-1, a download file from a Japanese OVO for UNIX server is encoded in Shift-JIS). In this case the policies will be converted to the multi-byte Unicode encoding UTF8. (This is necessary because within HPOM for Windows all polices are stored in a Unicode encoding.)
If omitted, it is assumed that the given file (<policy file>) only contains ASCII data.
It can accept the following values: ASCII, UTF8, ISO81 (for ISO88591), ISO82 (for ISO88591), ISO85 (for ISO88595), ISO815 (for ISO885915), ROMAN8, SJIS, EUCJP, GB2312, BIG5, EUCTW, EUCKR, and UNICODE (for Windows Unicode).

Convert OVO for UNIX Operations templates to HPOM for Windows policies.

  1. Download the templates from the OVO for UNIX management server using the command opccfgdwn (see OVO for UNIX documentation) to a config download package.
  2. Copy the download package to the HPOM for Windows management server.
  3. If any template names contain any special characters, open the config download package and remove them. Special characters are not allowed in policy file names.
  4. Upload the templates to the HPOM for Windows management server, where they become policies. Use the command ImportPolicies, as described above.
  5. Customize the policies as required