Restart job with new options

If a deployment job fails, you can try to correct the error by restarting the job with new options. The options available vary, depending on the type of job you are restarting.

To restart a deployment job with new options:

  1. In the console tree, click Deployment jobs. A list of deployment jobs appears.
  2. Right-click the job you want to restart, and then click All Tasks arrow Restart job with new options. The Advanced deployment options dialog appears.
  3. Optional. If the job installs or uninstalls packages, you can specify the credentials that the management server uses to access the node. This is necessary if the original credentials were invalid. It is also necessary if the job fails for another reason, and you do not want to restart it using impersonation. Click one of the following options:
  4. Optional. Select the Skip node prerequisites check check box. By default, the management server checks that each node meets the requirements for the deployment and installation of the agent. This check is designed to reduce deployment errors and assist administrators in the performance of regular maintenance tasks.

    You can restart a failed job without performing a prerequisite check on the managed node. This enables you to deploy the agent, even if the node does not meet the standard requirements, or a known problem is likely to prevent a deployment from completing successfully.

    Caution CAUTION:
    If the node prerequisite check fails, it usually indicates that there is a problem with the managed node, and it is not recommended to continue with the deployment of the agent. Only use this option if you know exactly why the prerequisites check failed on the managed node and are sure that it is safe to install the agent anyway.

  5. Optional. Select the Allow older packages check box. This check box enables you to deploy the latest available version of a package if the version on the node is newer than the version available on a management server.
  6. Optional. Select the Update to latest policy/package version check box. This check box enables you to deploy the latest available versions of policies and packages instead of the redeploying the versions currently on the node.
  7. Optional. Select the Ignore errors check box. This check box enables you to force a job that removes policies or packages to complete, even if errors occur. For example, if you try to remove a package from a node, but the node is unreachable, the management server removes the package from the node's package inventory anyway.
  8. Optional. Select the Ignore package/policy version check box. This check box enables you to deploy a policy or a package even if a newer version already exists on the node.
  9. Optional. Select the Enable policy check box. This enables the policy after the management server deploys it to the node.
  10. Optional. Select the Disable policy check box. This disables the policy after the management server deploys it to the node.
  11. Optional. Select the Ignore owner of policies on the node check box. If another management server has already deployed a version of a policy to a node, that management server owns the policy on that node. This check box enables you to deploy the policy from this management server, and transfer the ownership. To do this, you must have the user right to ignore policy ownership. The management server that you are connected to must be a primary or secondary manager of the node.
  12. Click OK. The management server restarts the job with the new options.

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