Deploy instrumentation

You can associate instrumentation with policies using categories. This ensures that the management server automatically deploys the instrumentation when it deploys the policy. You can also explicitly deploy categories of instrumentation using the console.

The instrumentation is deployed to the following directories on the various agent platforms:

Platform Agent Instrumentation directory
Windows HTTPS <data_dir>\bin\instrumentation
Windows DCE <install_dir>\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin\Instrumentation
HP-UX HTTPS/DCE /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation
Solaris HTTPS/DCE /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation
AIX HTTPS /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation
Linux HTTPS/DCE /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation
Tru 64 HTTPS /usr/var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation
Tru 64 DCE /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation

If you deploy the default instrumentation categories (Agent, Command, and Monitor) to DCE agents, the instrumentation is deployed to the following directories:

Platform Instrumentation directory
Windows <install_dir>\Installed Packages\{790C06B4-844E-11D2-972B-080009EF8C2A}\bin\OpC\vpwin\<actions|cmds|monitor> 
HP-UX /var/opt/OV/bin/OpC/vpwin/<actions|cmds|monitor>
Solaris /var/opt/OV/bin/OpC/vpwin/<actions|cmds|monitor>
Linux /var/opt/OV/bin/OpC/vpwin/<actions|cmds|monitor>
Tru 64 /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation

Note NOTE:
You can only deploy instrumentation to nodes on which the agent is installed. If the agent is not installed, running this command will deploy it.

To deploy instrumentation
  1. Right-click the node or node group in the console tree.
  2. Select All TasksarrowDeploy Instrumentation.
  3. In the Deploy Instrumentation dialog box, select the category of instrumentation that you want to deploy. Press CTRL-SHIFT to select multiple directories.

    Note NOTE:
    HPOM version 8.10 uses an new structure for instrumentation folders on the management server. However, after you upgrade from OVO 7.50 you could still have your own custom instrumentation in folders that follow the deprecated structure.

    If any of the nodes that you select have the DCE agent, the Deploy Instrumentation dialog box enables you to select instrumentation categories from both folder structures. However, the management server does not deploy instrumentation from categories in the OVO 7.50 instrumentation folders to nodes that have an HTTPS agents. To deploy instrumentation to a node that has an HTTPS agent, the instrumentation must exist in an HPOM 8.10 instrumentation folder.

  4. If you want to remove all instrumentation from the node before deploying the new instrumentation, select Remove all existing instrumentation before deploying new instrumentation.

    If you select any category other than a default category (Agent, Command, or Monitor), all instrumentation from all categories is removed from the node. This includes any categories of instrumentation that are associated with policies. Therefore, errors may occur if you remove instrumentation that a policy requires.

  5. Click OK. This creates new deployment jobs, which deploy the instrumentation to the nodes.

Note NOTE:
If you select a single node, the Deploy Instrumentation dialog box shows only the categories that contain instrumentation for the node's platform.

If you select a node group that contains less than 20 nodes, the dialog box shows all the categories that contain instrumentation for any of the nodes' platforms.

If you select a node group that contains more than 20 nodes, the dialog box shows all categories, without checking whether the categories contain instrumentation for the nodes' platforms.

In all cases, the management server checks a node's platform before it deploys instrumentation. If a category that you select does not contain instrumentation for a node's platform, the management server does not instrumentation from that category to the node.

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