HP Operations Manager

HPOM user accounts

When the HPOM management server is installed, you are asked to supply the name of two Windows user accounts that are used by several HPOM services and processes to control their security rights:

Both user accounts are by default members of the HP-OVE-ADMINS, Administrators, and Users groups. They are domain accounts if HPOM is installed in a Windows domain, or local accounts if HPOM is installed in a Windows workgroup environment.

Note NOTE:
The HP-OVE-User and HP-OVE-Deleg-User accounts are intended solely for the use of the HPOM product. As such, the HPOM product assumes that it owns these accounts and can safely manipulate them as needed to meet the needs of the product. Specifying accounts that are used for other purposes may cause problems in your environment. Choose account names that will not be used by anyone else in your organization.

The accounts that you supply during the installation for the HP-OVE-User and HP-OVE-Deleg-User users can be changed after the installation using the ovchgpass.exe command. Use the command to change the user name, password, or both. This command changes the password everywhere that the HPOM system uses this account, to ensure that HPOM services do not fail.

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