HP Operations Manager

Specify console Data Presentation properties

Set preferences for data presentation in your console using the Data Presentation tab of the Configure Console dialog box. You can specify default views for nodes, node groups, and services with and without subservices.

To set default view preferences

  1. Open the Configure Console dialog box if it is not already open. Click here for details.
  2. Select the Data Presentation tab.
  3. Optional. Select the Position duplicate messages as new message in browser check box. If you select this check box, when a duplicate message arrives, the duplicate count of the original message increases, and the message moves to the bottom of the message list.
  4. Select the default view for Nodes from the list. Choose Maps, Message Browser, List, Impacted, or Root Cause.
  5. Choose a filter for the selected Node view from the list. Options depend on the selection you made in step 4.

    If you select Maps, you can choose from Contained By or Hosting Services Map as your default view. See Understanding Uses and Contains Relationships for more information about available map types. If you select Message Browser, you can display either the active or acknowledged messages browser in your default view.

    If you select List, Impacted, or Root Cause, no filtered view is available.

  6. Follow the same procedure for Node Groups.

    If you select Maps, you can select your default view from Contains or Contained By map views.

    If you select Message Browser, you can display either the active or acknowledged messages browser in your default view.

    If you select List, Impacted, or Root Cause, no filtered view is available.

  7. Select the default view for Service without subservice. Choose Maps, Message Browser, or List.
  8. Choose a filter for the selected Service with subservice view. Options depend on the selection you made in step 7.

    If you select Map you can select your default view from Contains/Uses, Contained By/Used By, Uses, Used By, Contains, ContainedBy and Service Hosted On map views.

    If you select Message Browser, you can display either the active or acknowledged messages browser in your default view.

    If you select List, no filtered view is available.

  9. Select the default view for Service without subservice. Choices are the same as those in step 8.
  10. Choose a filter for the selected Service without subservice view. Choices are the same as in step 8.
  11. Select Position duplicate messages as new messages in local browser to treat duplicate messages the same way you treat new messages.
  12. Click Apply to see your changes take effect. Click OK to confirm your choices and close this dialog box.
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