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Command line arguments

HP Smart Update Manager recognizes the following command line arguments. These arguments prepopulate the GUI in the Select Items to be Installed screen. If you specify the host or group, the Select Items to be Installed screen does not appear.

You cannot use some arguments such as /romonly and /softwareonly together.

Command line argument


/h[elp] or /?

This argument displays command line Help information.


This argument enables you to override or downgrade an existing component installation. This argument produces the same results as /f:software.


This argument enables you to override or downgrade the existing installation of components in the selected bundle.


This argument enables you to override or downgrade the existing installation of the selected firmware components. (Applies to firmware only.)


This argument enables you to override or downgrade the existing installation of the selected software components.


This argument enables you to override or downgrade the existing installation of the selected software components, firmware components, and bundles.

/g or /downgrade

This argument enables you to downgrade to an earlier version of firmware for multi-target devices such as hard drives and array controllers. (Applies to firmware only.)

/e or /rewrite

This argument enables you to rewrite the same version of firmware only for multi-target devices such as hard drives and array controllers. (Applies to firmware only.)


If the device you want to flash is in a shared storage environment, then this argument informs the firmware flash engine to flash the firmware. If the device to be flashed is in a shared storage environment, and the /m option is not passed, then the component installation fails. (Applies to firmware only.)


If the following conditions are met, then this argument causes the server (or host server in a remote installation) to reboot:

  • The /reboot option is selected or given as a command line argument.
  • All components selected for installation are successfully installed.
  • At least one of the installed components requires a reboot to complete its installation.

/reboot_message "reboot message"

This argument displays the specified reboot message on remote consoles connected to the server you want to reboot. You must use this argument with the /reboot option, or the argument is ignored.

/reboot_delay timeout_in_seconds

This argument delays the reboot of the server for the length of time specified by the timeout_in_seconds variable. You must use this argument with the /reboot option, or the argument is ignored. Acceptable values are between 15 and 3600. The default timeout value is 15 seconds for Microsoft® Windows® and 60 seconds for Linux. In Linux, the Reboot Delay time is converted from seconds to minutes. For Linux, any value under a full minute, 59 seconds or less, rounds to the next minute.


If the following conditions are met, then this argument forces the server to reboot:

  • The /reboot_always option is selected or given as a command line argument.
  • All components selected for installation are successfully installed.


This argument causes the installation to run silently with no GUI or console output. All data writes to the log file. Any generated prompts use the default option and continue the installation without user input. If a component requires input before installation (such as configuration information), then the component installation fails, and an error message writes to the log file. Failed dependencies are not reported to the user when using the /s[ilent]argument. To check for failed dependencies, remove the /s[ilent] argument, reissue the command line, and then the HP Smart Update Manager GUI appears.

/c[omponent] <component to install> or <component1_to_install> <component2_to_install>

This argument specifies the components to install. Components to install can be specified with or without the /c[omponent] argument. If using the /c[omponent] argument, only one component can be specified with the argument. However, multiple /c arguments and components can be specified on the same line. If the /c[omponent] argument is not used, multiple components can be specified at the same time, but the components must be separated by a blank and listed after all the arguments on the command line. The components are installed in the order provided unless dependencies between components require installation in a different order. If so, the utility changes the installation order based on the component dependencies to ensure the successful installation of as many components as possible. Multiple components and bundles can be specified on the same command line. When mixing components and bundles on the command line, the filter switches control what components and bundles are installed.

/group "group_name"

This argument specifies an already defined group name in the HP Smart Update Manager GUI.

/b[undle] <bundlename> or <bundle1_to_install> <bundle2_to_install>

This argument specifies the bundles to install. Bundles to install can be specified with or without the /b[undle] argument. If using the /b[undle] argument, only one bundle can be specified with the argument. However, multiple /b arguments and bundles can be specified on the same line. If the /b[undle] argument is not used, multiple bundles can be specified at the same time, but the bundles need to be separated by a blank and listed after all the arguments on the command line. Multiple components and bundles can be specified on the same command line. When mixing components and bundles on the command line, the filter switches control what components and bundles are installed.


This argument is a filter switch and enables the user to install newer versions of components defined in a PSP or firmware bundle. This argument enables these components to replace the older versions of the same component that might have shipped with the bundles.


This argument is a filter switch and enables the user to install components that are not included in the bundle but reside in the directory with the components in the bundle.


This argument is a filter switch for use with bundles. The argument enables you to use the latest version of the bundle when multiple versions of bundles are listed on the command line. If there are no bundles specified on the command line, and multiple bundles are in the directory, the /use_latest argument allows HP Smart Update Manager to use the bundle with the latest version for installation.

/use_location "file_share"

This argument specifies a directory or file share that contains the PSP and components for use with HP Smart Update Manager. If you do not specify this argument, the directory containing hpsum.exe or HP Smart Update Manager is used by default. The logged-in account must have access to this location. The /user and /passwd arguments do not have any effect when attempting to access the file share. You can use those arguments only when connecting to a target system.


This argument specifies that components, which use SNMP protocol, are available to be selected for installation. These components are available for selection by default. When the /use_snmp argument is used, and the /use_wmi argument is not, the WMI components are optional.


This argument specifies that components, which use WMI protocol, are available to be selected for installation. These components are optional by default and will not be installed unless this argument is used. When the /use_wmi argument is used, and the /use_snmp argument is not, the SNMP components are optional.


This argument is a filter switch and allows the user to see only the firmware components needed for installation. When using this filter switch, you must exit, and then restart HP Smart Update Manager to return to an unfiltered state. Do not use the /romonly argument with the /softwareonly argument.


This argument is a filter switch and allows the user to see only the software components needed for installation. When using this filter switch, you must exit, and then restart HP Smart Update Manager to return to an unfiltered state. Do not use the /softwareonly argument with the /romonly argument.


This argument simulates the installation for a test run. Nothing is installed.

/continue_on_error <error>

This argument causes the installation to continue and ignore errors. Valid values are <error>=ServerNotFound and <error>=BadPassword. The ServerNotFound option can be used to bypass inactive or unavailable remote hosts when deploying firmware or software to multiple remote hosts at the same time.


This argument defines the behavior when a remote target has an existing HP Smart Update Manager session in progress. This argument overrides the session in progress and reinitializes the installation framework on the remote host.


This argument starts express install (for local host only). The HP Smart Update Manager performs discovery, install, or exit without user interaction. The user can cancel or terminate HP Smart Update Manager.

/user <username> or /username <username>

This argument enables you to log in to HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator with your user ID.

/passwd <password>

This argument enables you to use the password for the user ID specified in the /user parameter. The password is used to log in to remote hosts and HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrators.


This argument enables the credentials of the local host to be used as the credentials to access the targets instead of providing the username and password explicitly for each target. The assumption is that the current credentials are valid for the targets being accessed. (Applies to Windows® operating systems only.)

/target "netAddress"

This argument is the IP address or the DNS name of a HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator or remote host. When two Onboard Administrators are in an enclosure, this argument should be the active Onboard Administrator. When specifying the IP address, you can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 format.

/logdir "path"

This argument enables you to redirect the output from HP Smart Update Manager or the HP BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator flash utility to a different directory than the default location. For Windows® components, the default location is %SYSTEMDRIVE%\CPQSYSTEM\hp\log<netAddress> and the redirected location is <path>\hp\log\<netAddress>. For Linux components, the default location is /var/hp/log/<netAddress> and the redirected location is <path>/hp/log/<netAddress>.