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Installation using iSCSI driver

  1. Locate the HP Windows Server 2008 Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter component CPxxxxxx.exe file obtained in "Downloading the SoftPaq File." Extract the contents to a USB memory device.
  2. Select Enable for the Windows HBA Boot Mode parameter. For more information, see "Configure iSCSi parameters."
  3. Boot the updated Windows Server 2008 DVD. Navigate to the setup screen and select the Load Drivers option and then browse the USB device for the HP Windows Server 2008 Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter driver files for your specific adapter.
  4. Select the bxvbd.inf driver file.
  5. Select the Load Drivers option again and select the bxois.inf file.
  6. Return to the Windows Server 2008 Setup screen. The iSCSI storage device identified in the boot phase appears as an available iSCSI target for installing the Windows Server 2008 operating system.
  7. Continue with Windows Server 2008 installation.