Directory Services


The IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Begin method is called when an event that the notification handler has requested is occurring. The notification handler specifies the events to receive notifications for when IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Initialize is called.

  ULONG uEvent,
  IDataObject pArg1,
  IDataObject pArg2,
  ULONG puFlags,
  BSTR* pBstr


[in] Contains a value the specifies the type of event that is occurring. This can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
DSA_NOTIFY_DEL An object is deleted.
DSA_NOTIFY_REN An object is renamed.
DSA_NOTIFY_MOV An object is moved to another container.
DSA_NOTIFY_PROP One or more properties of an object is modified.
[in] Pointer to an IDataObject interface that supports the CFSTR_DSOBJECTNAMES clipboard format. The contents of the data object will vary depending on the value of uEvent. For more information, see the Remarks section.
[in] Pointer to an IDataObject interface that supports the CFSTR_DSOBJECTNAMES clipboard format. The value of this parameter and the contents of the data object will vary depending on the value of uEvent. For more information, see the Remarks section.
[out] Pointer to a ULONG value that receives a set of flags that modify the behavior of the notification handler in the notification confirmation dialog box. This can be zero or a combination of one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
DSA_NOTIFY_FLAG_ADDITIONAL_DATA If this flag is set, the entry for this notification handler in the confirmation dialog box is selected. If this flag is not set, the entry for this notification handler in the confirmation dialog box is not selected.
DSA_NOTIFY_FLAG_FORCE_ADDITIONAL_DATA If this flag is set, the entry for this notification handler in the confirmation dialog box is disabled and the user cannot change the selection state.
[out] Pointer to a BSTR that receives a string that contains the name and/or description of the notification handler. This string is displayed in the confirmation dialog box. This string must be allocated by calling the SysAllocString function. The caller must free this string when it is no longer required. If this parameter recevies NULL or an empty string, the notification handler is not added to the confirmation dialog box and IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Notify is not called.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, S_OK is returned. If the method fails, a standard HRESULT value is returned.


The value and contents of pArg1 and pArg2 vary depending upon the event processed as indicated by uEvent. The following table explains what pArg1 and pArg2 will contain for each different event type.

uEvent pArg1 pArg2
DSA_NOTIFY_DEL Contains the object being deleted. Not used. This will be NULL.
DSA_NOTIFY_REN Contains the previous name of the object. Contains the new name of the object.
DSA_NOTIFY_MOV Contains the container that the object is moved from. Contains the container that the object is moved to.
DSA_NOTIFY_PROP Contains the object for which the properties have changed. Not used. This will be NULL.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Header: Declared in Dsadmin.h.

See Also

IDsAdminNotifyHandler, IDsAdminNotifyHandler::Initialize, IDataObject, CFSTR_DSOBJECTNAMES, SysAllocString