Directory Services

Example Code for Creating Users on a Member Server or Windows 2000 Professional

The following Visual Basic code example creates a user on a member server or Windows 2000 Professional.

' Example: Creating a user on a member server or workstation
Dim cont As IADsContainer
Dim oUser As IADsUser
Dim v As Variant

On Error GoTo Cleanup

' Parse the arguments
sComputer = InputBox("This script creates a user on a member server or workstation." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Specify the computer name:")
If sComputer = "" Then
	Exit Sub
End If

sUser = InputBox("Specify the user name:")
If sUser = "" Then
	Exit Sub
End If
' Bind to the computer.
Set cont = GetObject("WinNT://" & sComputer & ",computer")
' Create the user.
Set oUser = cont.Create("user", sUser)
' Write the user to the computer's security database.

strText = "The user " & sUser & " was successfully added."
strText = strText & vbCrLf & "The user has the following properties:"

' Read the user that was just created
' and display its name and its properties.

strText = strText & "Number of properties: " & Count
For cprop = 1 To Count
  Set v = oUser.Next()
  If IsNull(v) Then
	Exit For
  End If
  strText = strText & vbCrLf & cprop & ") " & v.Name & " (" & v.ADsType & ") "

MsgBox strText, vbInformation, "Create user on " & sComputer

   If (Err.Number<>0) Then
	MsgBox ("An error has occurred. " & Err.Number)
   Set cont = Nothing
   Set oUser = Nothing
   Set v = Nothing