Directory Services


The BFFCallBack function is an application-defined callback function that receives event notifications from the Active Directory container browser dialog box. A pointer to this function is supplied to the container browser dialog box in the pfnCallback member of the DSBROWSEINFO structure when the DsBrowseForContainer function is called. BFFCallBack is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.

  HWND hwnd,
  UINT uMsg,
  LPARAM lParam,
  LPARAM lpData


[in] Contains the window handle of the browse dialog box. This handle is used to send messages to the browse dialog box using the SendMessage function.

The container browser dialog box handles the following messages.

Value Meaning
BFFM_ENABLEOK This message enables or disables the OK command button in the dialog box.

The wParam of this message contains a Boolean value that, if zero, disables the OK command button. If the wParam is non-zero, the OK comand button is enabled. By default, the OK command button is enabled.

The return value for this message is not used.

BFFM_SETSELECTION This message selects an item in the dialog box.

The lParam of this message is a pointer to a Unicode string that contains the ADsPath of the item to be selected. Even though there are ANSI and Unicode versions of this message, both versions take a pointer to a Unicode string.

The return value for this message is not used.

[in] Specifies one of the following browse messages.
Value Meaning
BFFM_INITIALIZED This notification is sent after the dialog box is initialized.

lParam is not used.

The return value from this notification is ignored.

BFFM_SELCHANGED This notification is sent after the selection in the dialog box is changed.

lParam is a pointer to a Unicode string that contains the ADsPath of the newly selected item.

The return value from this notification is ignored.

DSBM_CHANGEIMAGESTATE This notification is not currently used.
DSBM_CONTEXTMENU This notification is sent when the dialog box receives a WM_CONTEXTMENU message.

lParam is the wParam value passed with the WM_CONTEXTMENU message.

The return value from this notification is ignored.

DSBM_HELP This notification is sent when the dialog box receives a WM_HELP message.

lParam is the lParam value passed with the WM_HELP message.

The return value from this notification is ignored.

DSBM_QUERYINSERT This notification is sent prior to each container object being inserted into the tree. The application can use this notification to modify the contents of the dialog box.

lParam is a pointer to a DSBITEM structure that contains data about the item inserted. Some members of this structure, such as szDisplayName, can be modified during this notification to change the way items are displayed.

Return a non-zero value from this notification if data in the DSBITEM structure changes. Return zero if the time should be inserted unchanged.

Note  Only the Unicode version of this message, DSBM_QUERYINSERTW, is supported. DSBM_QUERYINSERTA is not supported.

[in] The value and meaning of this parameter is determined by the notification received. For more information, see the notification message descriptions under the uMsg parameter.
[in] Contains a pointer to the DSBROWSEINFO structure passed to the DsBrowseForContainer function. This is true for all notification messages.

Return Values

The meaning of the return value is determined by the notification received. For more information, see the notification message descriptions under the uMsg parameter.


The DSBM_* message values are defined in Dsclient.h.


Client: Included in Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.
Header: Declared in Shlobj.h.

See Also