Xshell main window consists of a number of controls including title bar, menu bar, standard toolbar, session tab, terminal screen, compose bar, tunneling bar, session bar, and status bar.You can hide or show all controls from the View menu except the Title bar and the terminal workspace.
When the menu bar is hidden, you can run menu commands from the system menu on the Title bar. Toolbar buttons are provided for frequently used commands. The Address bar is used for a quick connection to a remote host without creating a session. Also Xshell provides a Font bar to allow you to customize terminal fonts more conveniently. With Quick Commands, users can save freqeuntly used commands and easily use them when needed. Also, users can place freqently used session in the Links bar for faster access.
The terminal workspace provides a command line interface to a remote computer. It also offers a local command line interface when a connection is not established. The local command line interface is a unique feature which is not provided by other competitive products.
The workspace can be resized at any time and the terminal size is automatically adjusted appropriately. Also, by using Alt + Enter key, you can change to Full Screen view.
When you click the right-click your mouse on the terminal workspace, a Shortcut menu appears. The Shortcut menu provides all the commands from the Edit menu at any place in the workspace. The scrollbar at the right side allows you to browse scroll buffer easily.
The bottom area contains a Compose bar, Tunneling bar, and Status bar. In the Compose bar, you can complete a command line or a message before sending it to the remote computer. The Tunneling bar allows you to monitor TCP/IP forwarding channels and to add or remove forwarding rules instantly. The Status bar shows you a handful of terminal statistics such as terminal type and size, encryption algorithms, and so on.