Xftp provides a number of toolbar buttons for commonly used tasks and commands. You can also perform the same task from the menu bar or session Properties dialog box.

The list below describes the standard buttons.

Button Name Description
New Opens the New Session dialog box.
Open Opens the Sessions dialog box.
Disconnect Closes the connection.
Reconnect Reconnects the disconnected session.
Properties Opens the Properties dialog box of the current session or the default session.
Upload Transfers the selected files from local to remote folder.
Download Transfers the selected files from remote to local folder.
ASCII Transfers files in ASCII mode.
Binary Transfers files in Binary mode.
Auto Transfer type is automatically selected by file extension.
File Transfer Opens a new Xftp window. If a session is connected, Xftp attempts to make a connection with the corresponding session information.
New Terminal If Xshell is installed, opens Xshell. Opens a terminal window for the currently open Remote Folder window.
Xftp Help Opens Xftp Help.