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This method opens an enumeration context for all databases in a mounted database volume on a remote Windows Embedded CE–based device.


HANDLE CeFindFirstDatabaseEx(



[in] Pointer to the CEGUIDthat contains the globally unique identifier(GUID) of a mounted database volume. If pceguidis NULL or set to an invalid GUID, then all mounted database volumes are searched.


[in] Specifies the type identifier of the databases to enumerate. If this parameter is zero, all databases are enumerated in the volume. For Windows Embedded CE-based devices, a volume is the object store or a mounted database volume.

Return Values

A handle to an enumeration context indicates success. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUEindicates failure. To get extended error information, call IRAPISession::CeGetLastErrorand IRAPISession::CeRapiGetError. CeGetLastErrormay return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORYif no memory is available to allocate a database handle.

To find all the databases of the desired type, specify the enumeration context handle in multiple calls to the IRAPISession::CeFindNextDatabaseExmethod.


This function only returns the handle to an enumeration context. To begin enumerating databases, an application must call the IRAPISession::CeFindNextDatabaseExmethod. When an application is done with the handle to the enumeration context, an application uses IRAPISession::CeCloseHandleto release the resources associated with the enumeration context.


Header rapi2.h
Library ole32.lib, rapiuuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also