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Application Manager (CEAppMgr.exe) has configurable registry key settings that allow the user to configure it so that it displays errors and other information. It also has configurable registry key settings that allow the user to install an application without being interrupted by messages that ask the user for verification.

The following table describes the configurable values for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\AppMgrregistry key.

Value Type Description



If this value is non-zero, CEAppMgr.exe displays errors and other information in message boxes as it runs. You can get this same behavior by using the /REPORT command line switch to CEAppMgr.exe. For more information about the /REPORT switch, see The Application Managerand Troubleshooting the Application Manager.



This setting allows the user to install an application without any windows or dialog boxes opening to ask for user verification.

See Also