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This method is called by the input method (IM) to change the bitmaps shown on the Input Panelbutton to change the visible state of the software-based input panel, or to notify the software-based input panel when the IM has changed the size, placement, or docked status of the software-based input panel window.





Pointer to an IMINFOstructure containing the new IM settings, including the size, placement, and state of the software-based input panel window. The IMINFOstructure also contains indexes to the bitmaps for the Input Panelbutton.

Return Value

An appropriate HRESULTvalue is returned.


IMs use this method to alter part of the software-based input panel state. For example, an IM may include a user interface element that allows the user to toggle the software-based input panel between a docked and floating state. However, the software-based input panel uses all values passed in the IMINFOstructure. Therefore, the IM must create and initialize an IMINFOstructure that is identical to the current IMINFOstructure. The IM should toggle the SIPF_DOCKED flag in the fdwFlagsmember, and use the altered IMINFOstructure in this method. Much of the information in the IMINFOstructure is also contained in the SIPINFOstructure. An IM receives this information upon initialization, with the IInputMethod::ReceiveSipInfomethod.

Applications written for Windows Embedded CE can access the SIPINFOstructure using the SipSetInfofunction.

For Windows CE 2.12 and later, an IM can set the rcSipRectmember of the IMINFOstructure to set the new position of the SIP window. If rcSipRectis zeroed-out, then rcSipRectis ignored and no position is altered.


Header sip.h
Library uuid.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.01 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also