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Provides multiple conditional testing in conjunction with the < xsl:otherwise> and < xsl:when> elements.





Element Information


The <xsl:when> children of the <xsl:choose> element are tested in order from top to bottom until a testattribute on one of these elements accurately describes conditions present in the source data or an < xsl:otherwise> element is reached. Once an <xsl:when> or <xsl:otherwise> element is chosen, the <xsl:choose> block is exited. No explicit break or exit statement is required.

For simple conditional testing, use the < xsl:if> element.


This example shows a template for "order" elements and inserts an <HR>or <BR>before the order's contents, based on the order's "total" element value. If the total is less than 10, a red <HR>will be generated; if the total is less than 20, a pink <HR>will be generated; otherwise a <BR>element will be created.

Copy Code
<xsl:template match="order">
	<xsl:when test="total &lt; 10">
		 <HR STYLE="color:red"/>
	<xsl:when test="total &lt; 20">
		 <HR STYLE="color:pink"/>
   <xsl:apply-templates />

See Also