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This message is sent by an application to change the identifier of the default push button for a dialog box.


wParam = 



Specifies the identifier of a push button control that becomes the default.

Return Value

The return value is always TRUE.


This message should not be used to change the default style when calling SetFocuson a dialog control. Use the WM_NEXTDLGCTLmessage instead.

This message is processed by the DefDlgProcfunction. To set the default push button, the function can send WM_GETDLGCODEand BM_SETSTYLEmessages to the given control and the current default push button.

Using the DM_SETDEFID message can result in more than one button appearing to have the default push button state. When the system brings up a dialog, it draws the first push button in the dialog template with the default state border. Sending a DM_SETDEFID message to change the default button will not always remove the default state border from the first push button. In these cases, the application should send a BM_SETSTYLE message to change the first push button border style.


Header winuser.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also