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The Windows Networking API/Redirector (SMB/CIFS) implementation in Windows Mobile provides functions to establish and terminate network connections and to access files on servers supporting the Common Internet File System (CIFS). Access to this data is made possible by way of the networking API (WNet).

The Windows Networking API/Redirector for Windows Mobile might not interoperate correctly with a desktop computer if the desktop computer is running Windows 98 or an earlier operating system.

In This Section

Windows Networking API/Redirector Application Development

Provides detailed information about the Windows Networking API/Redirector implementation in Windows Mobile. Shows how to use Windows Networking API/Redirector to access remote file systems and manage network connections.

Windows Networking API/Redirector Reference

Provides reference pages for the Windows Networking API/Redirector programming elements.

Related Sections


This section provides links to topics that contain information about server technologies and services that are supported in Windows Mobile devices.