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This function retrieves the current phone GPRS registration status.


HRESULT RIL_GetGPRSRegistrationStatus(



Handle to the RIL instance returned by RIL_Initialize.

Return Value

Positive HRESULTvalues indicate success and are used as command identifications for matching the asynchronous call result. Negative HRESULTvalues indicate an error. Errors are defined in the Ril.h file.

An asynchronous result of RIL_RESULT_OKindicates success. The lpDatanotification parameter points to a line registration constant.


This function is called periodically to determine if the device has registered successfully on a GPRS network and the nature of the network it is registered on.

The RIL proxy translates the RIL_GetGPRSRegistrationStatusfunction into IOCTL_RIL_GetGPRSRegistrationStatuswhen the RIL proxy calls when the RIL proxy calls RIL_IOControl.


Header ril.h
Library Ril.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later

See Also