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This method starts an iteration through the connection IDs for connections managed by this ConnectionManager instance, and returns the first connection ID. To retrieve the remainder of the connection IDs managed by this instance, use IConnectionManager::GetNextConnectionID.


virtual DWORD GetFirstConnectionID(
) = 0;



[in, out] Pointer to an integer allocated by the caller that this method modifies to contain the first connection ID. Does not correspond directly to a state variable because of use of an iterator model with GetNextConnectionID. Related to the CurrentConnectionIDs state variable.

Return Value

Custom implementations can return appropriate error codes. Should return SUCCESS_AV if the method succeeds. Otherwise, should return an error code defined in WinError.h or UPnP.h, or one of the UPnP AV-specific return values specified in UPnPAVError.

The implementation of this method in IConnectionManagerImplreturns these errors:

Value Description


The pConnectionIDpointer is NULL.


There are no connection IDs to return.


The iterator was created successfully and the first connection ID was returned.


This method and GetNextConnectionIDcombined correspond to the ConnectionManager service's GetCurrentConnectionIDs action.

For more information about the actions in the ConnectionManager service, see UPnP AV DCP Documentation.


Header av_upnp.h
Library Av_upnp.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also