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Creates a cache for the event sound player plug-ins and populates it with the registered event sound player plug-in objects.


HRESULT InitializeEventSoundPlayerCache(void);

Return Value

Returns S_OKon successful initialization of the cache.


This function creates a cache for the event sound player plug-ins and populates it with the registered event sound player plug-in objects. It maintains a single reference-counted cache for each process. Each process must create its own cache. This function is thread-safe and can be called by any thread to initialize the cache for the process.

Whenever an event sound player is needed to play a sound, the device will search the cache first. If a suitable player is found in the cache, it will be used, otherwise a new player is created. However, it is not necessary to create a cache in order to use the event sound functions.

To free the cached player objects, call UninitializeEventSoundPlayerCache.


Header eventsound.h
Library eventsnd.lib

See Also