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This message is sent by an application to set the parameters of a scroll bar.


wParam = (WPARAM) 




Boolean value that specifies whether the scroll bar is redrawn to reflect the new scroll box position. If set to TRUE, the scroll bar is redrawn. If set to FALSE, the scroll bar is not redrawn.


Long pointer to a SCROLLINFOstructure. Before sending the message, set the cbSizemember of the structure to sizeof( SCROLLINFO), set the fMaskmember to indicate the parameters to set, and specify the new parameter values in the appropriate members.

The fMaskmember can be a combination of the following values.

Value Description


Disables the scroll bar instead of removing it, if the scroll bar's new parameters make the scroll bar unnecessary.


Sets the scroll page to the value specified in the nPagemember of the SCROLLINFOstructure pointed to by lpsi.


Sets the scroll position to the value specified in the nPosmember of the SCROLLINFOstructure pointed to by lpsi .


Sets the scroll range to the value specified in the nMinand nMaxmembers of the SCROLLINFOstructure pointed to by lpsi .

Return Value

The current position of the scroll box indicates success.


The messages that indicate scroll-bar position, WM_HSCROLLand WM_VSCROLL, provide only 16 bits of position data. However, the SCROLLINFOstructure used by SBM_GETSCROLLINFO, SBM_SETSCROLLINFO, GetScrollInfo, and SetScrollInfoprovides 32 bits of scroll-bar position data. You can use these messages and functions while processing either the WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL messages to obtain 32-bit scroll-bar position data.

In Windows CE 2.0, if you pass a null pointer in the lpsiparameter ( lParam), SBM_SETSCROLLINFO returns zero, rather than the current position of the scroll box. For Windows CE 2.10 and later, the current position of the scroll box is returned.


Header commctrl.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 1.0 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also