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Contains a collection of user-defined IInkStrokescollections.

The custom strokes are essentially named IInkStrokescollections that are persisted and recalled for later use.

You use a collection of custom strokes to store strokes that have the same meaning or that are related in some way. Examples of strokes that you may want to persist include:

For example, suppose you want to draw with two different cursors and keep separate the set of strokes that you draw with each cursor. You could recognize the strokes drawn with the first cursor and attach an IInkRecognitionResultobject to that collection of strokes. To persist the recognition result, add the strokes to the IInkCustomStrokescollection of the IInkDispobject. You can later access the first collection of strokes by getting the persisted IInkCustomStrokescollection from the IInkDispobject.

Each IInkCustomStrokescollection is referenced by name.

IInkCustomStrokescollections are references to ink data, not the actual data itself.

If you define a class that implements this interface, the new class will not interact correctly with the Tablet PC application programming interfaces (APIs).

In This Section

IInkCustomStrokes Methods

Describes the methods available for the IInkCustomStrokes collection.

IInkCustomStrokes Properties

Describes the Countproperty.

See Also