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This function converts an object identifier (OID) to a Unicode string. This function is an element of the SNMP Utility API. This function is unique to Windows Embedded CE, because Windows Embedded CE is Unicode-based.


LPTSTR SnmpUtilOidToW(




[in] Pointer to an AsnObjectIdentifierstructure to convert.

Return Value

The function returns a Unicode-based string of ANSI characters that contains the string representation of the object identifier pointed to by the Oidparameter.


The SnmpUtilOidToWfunction can assist with the debugging of SNMP applications.

For more information, see the SnmpUtilIdsToWfunction. SnmpUtilOidToWcalls SnmpUtilIdsToWinternally to format the string.


Header snmp.h
Library snmpapi.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later

See Also