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This function is called by the DEBUGREGISTERand RETAILREGISTERZONESmacros to register debug zone settings for a process or DLL.


BOOL RegisterDbgZones(



Handle for module



Return Value

Returns TRUE if the debug zones were successfully registered.


Call this function from the main function of your process, or from the DllMainentry point of your DLL. For example, from the main function of a process, call:

Copy Code
 RegisterDbgZones(NULL, &dpCurSettings);

From the entry point of a DLL, call:

Copy Code
 RegisterDbgZones(hInstDLL, &dpCurSettings);

Where hInstDLLis the instance value that was passed to DllMain.

Calling this function assumes that a global variable dpCurSettingshas already been defined, where dpCurSettingsmust be a DBGPARAMstructure.

RegisterDbgZonesregisters debug zones for your process or module for all build configurations. To register only debug zones on Debug builds, use the DEBUGREGISTERmacro. To register debug zones on Debug and Retail builds, use the RETAILREGISTERZONESmacro.

Any module (a DLL or process) can register an associated debug zone mask with the kernel debug subsystem using this function. Once the debug zones are registered, a user can then turn debug zones on or off programmatically .

Debug zones may also be turned on or off interactively from the Target Controlwindow. You can interactively turn debug zones on or off by modifying bits of the registered debug zone mask.


Header dbgapi.h
Library None
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 2.10 and later
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later

See Also