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This function provides a pointer to the OBEXTRANSACTIONstructure.


typedef int (*ServiceCallback)(
  struct _obex_transaction * 



Pointer to an OBEXTRANSACTIONstructure.

Return Value

This method returns the standard values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_FAIL, as well as the following:


The method completed successfully.


To create an OBEX server extension, a DLL that exports the ServiceCallbackfunction must first be created. An OBEX server searches for this DLL in the registry after receiving an OBEX request for service (by default, this request applies to the default Inbox). After finding the DLL containing the exported ServiceCallbackfunction, the OBEX server loads the server extension DLL and initializes service using an OBEX_REQ_INIT call to the service extension. At this point, the OBEX service is established and ready to transfer information as necessary.


Header obexserver.h
Library Developer Implemented
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2002 and later, Smartphone 2002 and later

See Also


OBEX Functions