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This is retired content. This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
This method retrieves the security identification of the specified URL.
HRESULT GetSecurityId( LPCWSTR pwszUrl, BYTE* pbSecurityId, DWORD* pcbSecurityId, DWORD_PTR dwReserved ); |
- pwszUrl
[in] Address of a string value that specifies the URL.
- pbSecurityId
[out] Address of a buffer that specifies the scheme, domain name, and zone associated with the URL.
- pcbSecurityId
[in, out] Address of an unsigned long integer value that specifies the size of the buffer being passed in.
- dwReserved
[in] Address of an unsigned long integer that specifies the domain to use. If set to zero, the full domain name is used. Otherwise, a string value containing a suffix to the domain name can be specified. This larger domain name — the full domain name combined with the suffix — is used as the security identifier.
Return Value
Returns S_OK if successful or E_INVALIDARG if the buffer is set to NULL or the string passed in to pwszUrlis not a valid URL.
If successful, pbSecurityIdcontains the scheme, domain, and zone information in the following format.
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<scheme>:<domain>+<zone> |
The pcbSecurityIdparameter contains the actual size of the data stored in the buffer.
Header | urlmon.h, urlmon.idl |
Library | urlmon.lib |
Windows Embedded CE | Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later |
Windows Mobile | Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later |